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| Examples of genealogical documents
all records report on members of Grazyna Rychlik's family and all come from the State Archive in Radom, Poland
an application for an ID of Wladyslaw Bieniek, brother of Grazyna Rychlik's Great-grandmother, Feliksa (née Bieniek) Szaniawska, Radom, 1932 (ID applications are one of sources of photographs of relatives) |
a page from the Book of Citizens of Radom, 1850-1939; language of the document: Russian |
birth record of Marceli Szaniawski (b. 1860 in Kotarwice, parish Radom), Gra¿yna Rychlik's maternal Great-grandfather; language of the document: Polish |
birth record of Szymon Bieniek (b. 1845 in Janiszow); language of the document: Polish [below one can find his photo taken in 1916] |
Examples of family pictures
all pictures show Grazyna Rychlik's family and all belong to family collections
Szymon Bieniek at 71 (b. 1845) with his daughter, Jozefa and her daughter and his other granddaughter; Grazyna Rychlik's Greatgrandfather; picture taken in 1916 |
Franciszek Szaniawski (first on the right, sitting), Jozef Szaniawski's cousin in the Russian Army uniform |
Jozef Szaniawski, Grazyna Rychlik's Grandfather; picture taken around 1916 |
Grandchildren of Antonina née Kalinska and Adam Skwarek and some of their parents; first lady on the left is Grazyna Rychlik's Grandmother, Bogumila Szaniawska; picture taken in late 1940-ties |