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| Grazyna Rychlik/Guiding Services Poland is creating a database of family names and locations of people who were found through her research for Clients and into the history of her own family.
The objective of the database is to be a tool of help for people looking for their ancestors especially in the situations when the ancestral location (where their ancestors were from on the historic or present territory of Poland) is unknown.
The database is quite small compared to many existing ones but most of the names were researched and the location for their historic or present whereabouts can be given.
Detailed genealogy information belonging to Grazyna Rychlik's Clients can be released to a third party only with the written consent of the Client.
How to read this database?
(h.) -'historic', in case of a village it means that the village does not exist any more as a separate location
(p.) -'present', the name is used in the present time
database of the locations has additional information:
- religious administration center (e.g. parish) - and it is historic, today it may be the same but may be different; for example since 1945 many Roman-Catholic parishes were created and small villages from where 100 years ago people had to walk to church say 3 miles have their own parish church today
[although the database shows religious administration centers of several religious denominations researched no division by religion was applied in the database]
- commune (gmina) and county (powiat) - which are government administration units; they must be identified when looking for records under 100 years old