Szaniawski Family
This family is still under research. It is very likely that there will be new information added in the course of time.
Prior to my research we knew that the Szaniawski family came from Radom. My mother's uncle had a theory that the family came from Szaniawy - a village south-east of Warsaw. This information is based on my mother's oral testimony so it cannot be treated as a definite truth (mainly because she heard it as a child and many tens of years passed since and we can't check it with uncle Franek any more). To prove or abolish this theory I will have to search back in time to see whether I can establish a connection between this possible historic ancestral locations and the ancestral locations I discovered through my research where Szaniawski family/families lived in the 18th and 19th centuries. Like with the Pieniążeks who married into the Szaniawskis I had a problem with locating some family members, for example birth record of my 2 x great grandfather. When I finally found his marriage record in Jedlińsk in 1851 it gave enough answers to locate my branch of the Szaniawski family. Chances are that I will never be able to connect my Szaniawskis with Trzebieszów - the parish for Szaniawy - because the records for the village (Parznice) where they lived in the 19th century don't go beyond the very end of the 18th century but I am still very pleased I could take the family history back to around 1760.
In the marriage record of my 2 x great grandfather Alexander we read that his father was an heir of a part of the village called Parznice.
When I started searching for more information on Parznice it turned out that for a small village that it is today there is quite a lot of information because Parznice was the only in the area typical village inhabited by many families of impoverished gentry. None of them could most probably prove their nobility to the Russian rulers when the Heraldic Office was established in 1836 (replacing the Temporary Committee for the Recognition of Nobility set up in 1832) but nevertheless in all vital records titles reserved for members of nobility are applied to these families' members. Parznice is mentioned in the Geographical Dictionary of the Polish Kingdom and Other Slavonic Lands (I copied the passage on Parznice into this article) and the Szaniawskis are one of 4 families residing there mentioned in the dictionary - which means that the Szaniawskis were still living there at the very beginning of the 20th century. Right now a quick look at the cemetery for Parznice does not find ANY grave with this family name. As far as my line goes - it is extinct in the male line and it moved out of Parznice sometime in the middle of the 19th century.
As far as siblings of Paweł Szaniawski (my 3 x great grandfather) go, his 2 brothers died unmarried, so far I cannot locate his brother Stanisław so I don't know whether he had any descendancy, and his 2 sisters married into Iżyński and (most probably) into Wybranowski families and so far I have not established whether these lines continue until the present time.
It has to be said that the records for Parznice (and other villages in the parish) were not run in a very meticulous way (especially in the beginning of the 19th century) depriving us this way of a lot of information that should have been taken down like for example names of parents of people getting married. Even with these obstacles I managed to identify several Szaniawski families which I list below (including my own family). With earlier records missing it will be impossible to prove how they were related to each other but chances are that they were. Also it has to be said that only the dates of the recorded events (births, marriages and deaths) coming from the records found can be treated as certain. Age given in various documents on the basis of which years of birth have been approximated should be treated with caution since even between records there are big differences in age of particular people.
Identified in the vital records Szaniawski families living in Parznice from the beginning through the middle of the 19th century
- children coming from the same family - although these may be 2 different families; years of birth are given based on information from various records but they should not be treated as final since there were a lot of 'approximations' in these records
- Maryanna Szaniawska who married Kazimierz Stęplowski in 1817
- Józef Szaniawski, b. abt 1769/1772 (listed as Maryanna's brother)
- Jakob Szaniawski, b. abt 1739 (listed as Józef's brother)
chances are that this Józef Szaniawski is the one who is mentioned in the list of tax payers from 1789, he can be also in fact my 4 x great grandfather
- Franciszek Xawery Szaniawski, b. bet 1747-1754, d. 6 May 1833, married to Józefa née Rylska, b. abt 1779, d. 8 Apr 1823 - they had the following children:
- Antoni, b. abt 1810 (married to Karolina Emilia Czyszkowska)
- Wincenty, b. abt 1815 (married to Józefa Kieterowicz)
- 2 daughters whose names so far I have not been identified
- Jan Nepomucen Szaniawski, b. abt 1799, d. 6 Aug 1849, married to Maryanna Bednarska, b. abt 1788, d. 31 Oct 1854 - they had the following children:
- one son - his name so far has not been identified but possibly Jakub Tomasz
- a daughter married to Józef Kaszowski
- a daughter married to Konstanty Bednarski
Joanna Szaniawska b. abt 1834 married to Mateusz Sadowski
- possibly another daughter - but this is not confirmed
in fact I have just found in my notes birth records of 3 of their children born in Radom:
- Joanna Szaniawska born in 1823 - since there is a big age difference between this Joanna and Joanna married to Mateusz Sadowski it is possible that this Joanna died in childhood
- Urszula Eufrozyna Szaniawska born in 1830 in Radom
- Jakub Tomasz Szaniawski born in 1839 in Radom
- Marcin Szaniawski, b. abt 1792, married to Rozalia Snopkowska - it has not been identified so far how and/or whether he is related to any other Szaniawski family found.
They had at least one child whose record of second marriage in 1848 I now found among my notes - from the Radom parish. Michał Szaniawski at 26 (so b. abt 1822 according to his marriage record in Parznice, par. Kowala Stępocina), a financial manager of an estate (ekonom) in Żakowice (his parents still living and residing in Jeżowa Wola) married a widow Kunegunda née Romanowska Xiążek (a widow of Jakub Xiążek) from Radom, 35, a daughter of Wawrzeniec Romanowski and already deceased in 1848 Agata Paczyńska
- Franciszka Szaniawska, b. abt 1794, married to Michał Wybranowski - she is most probably a sister of Paweł Szaniawski (my ancestor) but unfortunately in her marriage record names of parents are not given to prove it
- Józef Szaniawski's family - Grażyna Rychlik's line
(VI.) Descendants of Józef Szaniawski
updated 12 May 2013
this family is currently under research
1-Józef Szaniawski b: abt 1760, d: 20 Jan 1840 in Parznice (par. Kowala Stępocina)
2-Stanisław Szaniawski
2-Franciszka Szaniawska
2-Urszula Szaniawska
+Piotr Iżynski b: abt 1817
2-Paweł Szaniawski b: abt 1782, d: 24 Jan 1867 in Gozdowa/Gózd (RC Skaryszew)
+Aleksandra Worowska b: abt 1793, m: 1817 in Odechów, d: bef 18 Feb 1851
3-Franciszka Szaniawska b: abt 1817, d: 17 Sep 1818 in Tomaszów (RC Odechów)
3-Józef Szaniawski [in Gozdowa/Gózd in 1867]
3-Józefa Zofia Szeniaska b: 11 Mar 1818 in Tomaszów (RC Skaryszew)
+Bonawentura Przyborowski b: abt 1809
3-Alexander Szaniawski b: 29 Dec 1819 in Tomaszów (RC Odechów), d: bef 1829
3-Katarzyna Szaniawska b: abt 1825, d: 1827 in Skaryszew
3-Tekla Szaniawska b: 9 Sep 1827 in Skaryszew, d: bef 1867
3-Maryanna Szaniawska [in Czyżów in 1867]
3-Aleksander Szaniawski b: 28 Nov 1829 in Bujak (RC Krzyżanowice) - GrażynaRychlik's 2 x great grandfather
+Maryanna Pieniążek b: 22 Mar 1830 in Jedlińsk
4-Jan Nepomucen Szaniawski b: 16 May 1853 in Owadow (RC Wsola), d: 27 May 1908 in Radom
+Rozalia Paulina Bociańska b: 16 Jun 1860 in Radom, d: 2 Mar 1939
5-Franciszek Szaniawski b: 18 Sep 1884 in Radom
5-Regina Szaniawska b: 7 Aug 1890 in Radom, d: 20 Jul 1929
4-Maryanna Szaniawska b: 6 Apr 1859 in Kamienisko (RC Wsola)
4-Marcelli Szaniawski b: 4 Jun 1860 in Kotarwice (RC Radom), d: 1912 in Radom
+Feliksa Bieniek b: 15 Mar 1868 in Janiszew (RC Radom), d: 1956 in Radom
5-Maria Szaniawska b: 1893, d: 1919
5-Walera Szaniawska b: 1896, d: between 1939-1945 in Warszawa
5-Stacha Szaniawska b: 1899, d: in Radom
5-Jozef Szaniawski b: 21 Jan 1902 in Radom, d: in Radom
5-Jan Szaniawski b: 1905, d: 1943-44 during WW2/date & place unknown
5-Zofia Szaniawska b: 1911, d: 1945 in Radom during WW2/date & place unknown
4-Antoni Szaniawski b: abt 1861 in Kozłów (RC Wsola)
+Paulina Pieniążek b: abt 1855
5-Maryanna Szaniawski b: 2 Jul 1882, b&d in Jedlińsk
+Mr Słowiński
5-Franciszek Szaniawski, b: 1884, b&d in Jedlińsk
+Marianna Langiewicz b: 1884, b&d in Jedlińsk
4-Feliks Jozef Szaniawski b: 10 May 1867 in Wsola
+Anna Szrubarek b: 7 Jul 1869 in Radom
5-Janina Szaniawska b: 1 Dec 1899 in Radom
2-Ignacy Szaniawski b: abt 1794, d: 29 Jun 1840 in Parznice (RC Kowala Stępocina)
2-Wiktor Szaniawski b: abt 1799, d: 31 May 1849 in Parznice (RC Kowala Stępocina)
In Radom records I found one more Szaniawski family - right now I cannot connect it to any of the families above - expcet for a common feature which is the first name Franciszek which may (but may equally not) indicate a connection - a name given after a common ancestor.
Franciszek Szaniawski b. abt 1786 was a clerk at the Court of Peace for Radom county. He was married to Dorota Chrośnikowska (?), b. abt 1796. They had two known to me children:
- a daughter, Antonina who was born abt 1818 and died at 7 in 1825
- a son, Franciszek Jacenty Szaniawski born in 1823.
According to the contemporary official web site of Kowala district (district for Parznice then and now) the list of tax payers for the year 1789 names among other land owners of Parznice Józef Szaniawski (who was my 4 x great grandfather, born abt 1760 - or it was this other Józef Szaniawski - they could have been one and the same person) and Xawery Szaniawski whose family I also found and I strongly support the idea that he was Józef's brother but this may not be true.
There are earlier documents (but not vital records) which I have not yet had an oppurtunity to study. For example according to the tax payers list from 1569 there are no Szaniawskis living in Parznice at that time which means that they came (maybe married into) to the village later on.
The interesting thing about Parznice is the fact that it was the only zaścianek (a village where impoverished gentry lived) in the area. This impoverished gentry did not visually look very different to peasants. However, their houses (still wooden) were a little 'grander' by the added porch. Even though most of this poor gentry farmed their own land they had the right to carry a sabre attached to their belt, vote in the local diets, vote for the king and under the very equal laws in Poland actually stand in the elections* to be the king of Poland. Zaścianeks and impoverished gentry immediately bring to any Polish mind the book (or televised version of the book) Nad Niemnem (On the Niemen River) which tells a story of peasants, impoverished gentry and wealthier land owner who however is related to those poor noblemen. Written by one of the leading women-writers of her times, Eliza Orzeszkowa (1841-1910), who came from Grodno area (today in Belarus), the book is a record of a zaścianek life in historical and social context of Poland of the 19th century.
*In 1572 when the second royal dynasty of Poland died out the Parliament of Poland decided to introduce a new system of determing who the king of Poland would be. The system was established in the circumstances when there was no hereditary heir to be put on the throne and continued till the end of the existence of Poland. Under this system Polish gentry (men only) had the right to choose the king of Poland in direct elections - they also had the right to be elected the king of Poland. To vote for the king they had to come to the election field - royal elections were held in Warsaw and in fact they were parliamentary diets of a special kind.
below a passage [in the original language/Polish] on the history of Parznice taken from the district website (November 2009)
14. Parznice
Parznice powstały na początku XV w. Pierwszą pisaną wzmiankę o tej wsi zapisano w księgach sądowych sandomierskich pod datą 1411. Nazwę zapisywano wtedy jako Parznica. Kolejna wzmianka pochodzi z lat 1470-1480. Jan Długosz wspomina o wielu właścicielach wsi z których tylko niektórzy posiadali własnych kmieci i zagrodników. Nazwa wsi pochodzi albo od słowa "para" czyli opar, wyziew albo od słowa "par" oznaczającego odłóg zaorany pod zboże ozime. W 1508 r. właścicielem największej części wsi był Mikołaj Krogulecki ale zapewne już wtedy we wsi mieszkało więcej szlachciców ponieważ spis podatkowy z 1569 r. wyróżnia już 9 właścicieli wsi. Część rycerzy mająca ziemie w Parznicach przyjęła nazwisko Parzniccy. Parznice są ciekawą osadą ponieważ są jedyną wsią w okolicy, która była typowym zaściankiem szlacheckim. Od najdawniejszych czasów wieś zamieszkiwał znaczny odsetek szlachty. Szlachcice z Parznic nie różnili się często statusem materialnym od chłopów z Parznic. Mieli tu swoje dwory a dwór ubogiej szlachty różnił się od chaty chłopskiej tym, że miał ganek. Ubogi szlachcic często sam uprawiał swoją ziemię ale czuł się szlachetnie urodzonym, miał prawo nosić szable u boku i głosować na sejmikach a nawet na elekcjach królewskich. Teoretycznie mógł być nawet wybrany na króla. Spis podatkowy z 1569 r. informuje o następujących właścicielach wsi: Jan Modrzewski, Joachim Piotrowski, Stanisław Kieszkowski, Dorota Słupikowa, Mikołaj Smagowski, Jan Bodz razem z niejaką Frynkową, Jawdiga Parznicka, Sebastian Krogulecki i Kochanowska. Każdy z właścicieli posiadał tylko pół łana oprócz Sebastiana Korguleckiego który posiadał jeden łan ziemi. Trudno prześledzić koleje zmian włąsności ziemskiej w Parznicach przy takiej ilości osiadłej szlachty. Spis podatkowy z 1789 r. informuje, że wieś nadal była podzielona między różnych szlachciców. Spis ten wymienia następujących właścicieli ziemi w Parznicach. Dominik Brodowski, Ignacy i Wojciech Trepkowie, Marcin Zawisza (sukcesor Paprockiego), Wojciech Szemrawski, Ludwik Szemrawski, Sebastian Łekawski, Józef Szaniawski, Ignacy Trębka (dziedzicący część wsi zwaną Tuszewszczyzna), Józef Tuszewski, Ksawewry Szaniawski oraz część należącą do Żbrożków uprawianą przez Kamińskich. Wielu z tych szlachciców miała tak małe poletka, że nawet nie płaciła podatków. W Parznicach stało więc wiele dworów szlacheckich ale że były to dwory drewniane i niezbyt okazałe to nie dotrwaly do naszych czasów. W XIX w. głównymi właścicielami wsi pozostały rody Szaniawskich, Szemrawskich, Radzymińskich i Słupińskich. Na cmentarzu w Kowali jeszcze na początku XX w. można było znaleźć pomnik jednego z wymienionych wyżej właścicieli części wsi, Ludwika Szemrawskiego zmarłego dnia 5 IX 1824 r. w. w. 97 lat. Od nazwiska rodzin dziedziczących wieś dzieliła się ona na cztery części: Parznice Słupińskich licząca w 1888 r. 14 domów i 193 mieszkańców. W tej części wsi było 345 mórg ziemi dworskiej i 109 mórg ziemi chłopskiej. W Parznicach Radzymińskich było w 1888 r. 15 domów i 108 mieszkańców. Grunty dworskie zajmowały 510 mórg. W Parznicach Szemrawskich było w tym czasie 4 domy i 22 mieszkańców. Ziemia dworska zajmowała 142 morgi ziemi a obszar chłopski tylko 6 mórg. W Parznicach Szaniawskich był w 1888 r. folwark a mieszkało w nim 10 mieszkańców. Od 1864 r. Parznice należały do gminy Gębarzów. W końcu XIX w. ziemie dworskie w Parznicach musiały zostać rozparcelowane ponieważ w początku XX w. nie spotykamy już folwarków w Parznicach. Wsie typu zaściankowego były bardzo często spotykane na Mazowszu i Podlasiu. Przykład tych wsi uczy, że wielu szlachciców w XIX i na początku XX w. przyjmowała zupełnie styl życia i obyczaje chłopów a "szlachectwo" stawało się tylko legendą rodzinną. Być może do tej pory w Parznicach mieszkają ludzie będący potomkami szlachty zaściankowej z Parznic. W 1921 r. wieś liczyła 99 domów mieszkalnych.