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| The map below shows some of the family locations, mainly larger towns and villages where the Roman-Catholic parishes are. Below you can find two more maps which show more detailed areas where some of Grażyna Rychlik's ancestors lived. There is no specific map given for the Rychlik family name locations since as far as it is known they were from Stoczek Węgrowski (here shown as Stoczek) and most probably Węgrów (this part of the research is still underway) parishes. They must have come from somewhere but it is not yet determined from where except for the family story that they came from Bohemia. On this map you can see that the distance between Stoczek and Lviv (so Biskowice - ancestral location for many Rychliks) is quite large - estimated 300 km / 190 miles.
Just for orientation, the distance between Warszawa (Eng. Warsaw) and Radom is exactly 100 km (62 miles).
new edition and format of presentation of ancestral locations on the map is under construction
Next map shows ancestral locations around Radom for Szaniawski and Pieniążek families.
new edition and format of presentation of ancestral locations on the map is under construction
Last map presented shows north-western Mazovia and in particular the area from where Kowalkowski, Kaleński and Kalino(w)ski families were. My great great grandfather when widowed with 4 children decided to find better life in an industrial town of Zawiercie which is located around 300km/190 miles from Płock (if traveling via Warszawa/Warsaw) where his last child was born. You don't see Płock on this map but in fact its suburbs are the grey area close to the left-bottom corner of the map.
new edition and format of presentation of ancestral locations on the map is under construction