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| Descendants of Stanisław Lipiński
updated 15 May 2013
1-Stanisław Lipiński b: abt 1784, d: bef 27 Nov 1843
+Marianna Trzcińska b: abt 1784, M: bef 1820
2-Józef Lipiński b: 9 Jul 1820 in Jurzyn
2-Jan Lipiński b: 15 May 1822 in Jurzyn
2-Wincenty Lipiński b: abt 1824 in Jurzyn, m: 27 Nov 1843 in Klukowo
+Józefa Mańkowska b: 27 Dec 1826 in Komory Błotne
3-Szczepan Jan Lipiński b: 1854 in Gutkowo*, d: 15 Jun 1918 in Smardzewo
+Michalina Piotrowska b: abt 1865
3-Konstancja Lipińska b: 4 Apr 1864 in Gutkowo; d: 29 May 1942 in Warszawa -
- Grażyna Rychlik's great grandmother
+Jan Dołecki b: abt 1867, left for the US in 1908 and never returned
2-a daughter (name not known at this stage)
2-a son (name not known at this stage)
*this information comes from the death certificate and was not confirmed in research, which means that he was rather born elsewhere
Villages belonging to parishes:
RC parish Klukowo: Smolechowo
RC parish Nowe Miasto: Modzele Bartłomieje
RC parish Sońsk: Komory Błotne
RC parish Łopacin: Gutkowo, Jurzyn
Lipiński family party uncovered
Sometimes there is very little information to start a research. This was the case with the Lipiński family. My great grandmother, Konstancja née Lipińska married Jan Dołecki in a place still unidentified by me which nevertheless had to be located somewhere in the triangle with the angles in Przasnysz, Płońsk and Nasielsk. The first two children of the couple were born in Gościmin, RC parish Nowe Miasto (on the Sona river - there are several Nowe Miastos in Poland so this additional information provides the identification). The family then moved to Warsaw and their third child, Julianna, my grandmother, was already born in Warsaw and baptized in the parish of St. John's, Warsaw's cathedral in the Old Town. Living in the Old Town did not mean anything grand back then. It could mean humble background or a typical way for any new arrivals to Warsaw to find their first accommodation in poorer areas with low rent, the Old Town or the northern district/the Jewish quarter.
Jan Dołecki, my great grandfather, about whom we know little, decided at some point to make life of his family better. He had run a carriage business and from unconfirmed family stories we know that he had two carriages and employed one coachman. His decision was to travel to the United States, work hard and bring the family over.
Thanks to the help of my Clients in the U.S. he was identified as crossing the Atlantic Ocean on S.S. Rhein from Bremen arriving in Baltimore on 6 January 1909. He traveled to his brother-in-law (and his sister, too) in Pittsburgh. He was also located as a boarder in 1910 U.S. census living in Forbes Street in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, PA and working in a pipe mill. He then disappears from records and is only known from undocumented family sources to have died in an accident at work in a mine. Record of his death was not found in Allegheny County death records index. To make ends meet his widow and two teenaged girls went to Russia to work in textile factories until the Revolution of 1917 whose outburst brought them back to Poland.
Little was preserved in the minds of the descendants of what had the history of this family been prior to the described events.
And these particular ancestors came from the province of Mazovia where it was typical for the people from all walks of life to move around and make it really difficult for us now to trace their moves and family stories.
After several years of working on other family lines by chance I found the marriage record o Julianna's parents. They married in 1843 in Klukowo, RC Klukowo. Not far away from Nowe Miasto where my great grandparents lived for some time in the beginning of their married life. Following up the information from the record I also found birth record of my great great grandmother, Józefa Mańkowska. The most interesting piece of information in the marriage record was that Wincenty Lipiński, my great great grandfather was a potter. Encouraged by my aunt to look for more family records in Łopacin I found there birth record of my great grandmother Konstancja, at last! Birth records of her other siblings are still hidden in parish records. However, both marriage record and birth record of Konstancja provided one important evidence - that Konstancja's father was not a farmer/peasant but he had a profession. From being a potter in the space of 21 years he became a stove maker although other evidence shows that it was one profession and how it was recorded depended on the person taking down the information. Chances are that Wincenty moved with the family from commission to commission or he did live in one place but sometimes worked away from home. This may be the reason why his children were born in different places.
I continue this research when there is time. I am confident now though that I will be able to locate other family members and get to the bottom of the Lipiński family history.
There are new facts already. I was able to locate two brothers of Wincenty although I don't know at this stage whether they lived to maturity or not. In the space of three years (1820-1822) their father, Stanisław Lipiński, was also described as a potter or stove maker. It does look like it was a family business which was passed from generation to generation. Stanisław's known children were born in Jurzyn whether it is according to actual birth records or derivative sources. Thanks to the birth records found I was finally able to determine in which Jurzyn the family events took place. Even though it is not a typical name there are several locations with this name in the area.
"Akta stanu cywilnego parafii rz.-kat. w Klukowie: Urodzenia, Małżeństwa, Zgony [Civil Records of Klukowo Roman-Catholic parish, Pułtusk County, Poland Births, Marriages, Deaths] 1843," Wincenty Lipiński, marriage record, record number 21, 1843; The Archive of Płock Diocese.
"Akta stanu cywilnego parafii rz.-kat. w Łopacinie: Urodzenia, Małżeństwa, Zgony [Civil Records of Klukowo Roman-Catholic parish, Ciechanów County, Poland Births, Marriages, Deaths] 1864," Konstancja Lipińska birth record, record number 17, 1864; The National Archives in Warsaw, Mława Branch.
1910 U.S. census, Allegheny Co., Pa., population schedule, Pittsburgh City, page 35 (stamped), dwelling 138, family 210, Vincent Andreyerski household, John Dolecki, digital images; Ancestry.com Operations, Inc. (www.ancestry.com : accessed 12 April 2013).
Manifest, S.S. Rhein, 6 January 1909, stamped p. 10, line 1, Jan Dolecki, age 35, "Passenger Record," digital images; Ancestry.com Operations, Inc. (www.ancestry.com : accessed 12 April 2013).