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| Below you can find email messages from several of my Clients which were an immediate response to the genealogical reports sent to them.
----- Original Message -----
From: Client
To: Grazyna Rychlik
Subject: RE: Family Research
Date: Wed, 13 May 2015 08:22:50 -0500
You have done an outstanding job in fulfilling my original specification for determining which Dabrowka my family came from. Your research report is excellent with an unbiased view of your findings.
You then surprised me with lots of additional information about previous generations and some facts about who they were.
Even though you did not actually find the birth record for Wincenty, I am convinced that you have found my ancestral home. There are just too many facts that you uncovered that are coincident with what I had been able to find out about Wincenty and his family.
I am really pleased and will now be ready to plan that trip to Poland.
A job well done.
Thank you,
----- Original Message -----
From: Client
To: Grazyna Rychlik
Sent: Friday, May 15, 2015 7:33 PM
Subject: Re: Research Report.
Dear Grazyna,
Thank you so much for the thorough report on my grandparents' birthplaces. It has solved a big mystery for my family. I really appreciate your responsiveness, timeliness, and attention to detail, and hope that you will be able to guide us when we visit!
Best regards,
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Client
To: Grazyna Rychlik
Sent: Monday, February 11, 2013 3:54 PM
Subject: Serdecznie Dziekuje
Grazyna, Thank you for a superb report. As a former professor I would give you an "A+" the highest grade possible. My son and daughter were equally impressed. Give me some time to study the report more carefully before deciding on the possibility of further research. Please do send the records which I do not have in whatever format is most convenient for you.
On my next trip to Poland I will be sure to contact you to arrange a special trip to the ancestral locations of the Bobinski/Sarbiewski families.
Best wishes, George
----- Original Message -----
From: Client
To: Grazyna Rychlik
Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2013 2:49 AM
Subject: 2013 Research...
Grazyna, I hope all is well with you and your family. I have had a lot of fun sharing and discussing your report with my mother. She was so intrigued by the report, and it allowed us to speak about our family history even more. She has an older cousin (Wittmann side) in Berlin who was born/lived in Poland and they speak very often. They call each other every week, so your report has been a topic of conversation for a few weeks! Very nice.
All the best to you.
----- Original Message -----
From: Client
To: Grazyna Rychlik
Sent: Monday, January 28, 2013 1:16 PM
Subject: Re: Just checking.
Hey Grazyna,
Yes, I did receive your report, and the updated one that you sent as well. Thank you very much. Your report is excellent! I have forwarded the corrected report and the records to my client. I will write again shortly about the next steps.
With Regards,
----- Original Message -----
From: Client
To: Grazyna Rychlik
Sent: Friday, February 10, 2012 12:40 AM
Subject: Research Report
Dear Grazyna,
I am writing to let you know that I have now heard back from all the family members with whom I shared the information in your final report. The responses were very enthusiastic, and everyone was very surprised with the amount of data you were able to discover about the three families. Thanks again so much!
Best regards,
----- Original Message -----
From: Client
To: Grazyna Rychlik
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2012 1:59 AM
Subject: Re: Research report.
Dear Grazyna,
I just got the report. It is wonderful. I have only gone over it once so have to go over it many more times. You have worked so hard to put together all this research and I thank you so very much. I will let you know if any questions. I am really happy with the results you have produced. Thank you again.
----- Original Message -----
From: Client
To: Grazyna Rychlik
Sent: Thursday, December 08, 2011 3:06 AM
Subject: Research Report
Dear Grazyna,
I was very happy to receive your letter and the research report. I have just started reading it, and I am very surprised and pleased about all the information you were able to find about my mother's family members. I know my daughters and cousins will be very interested in everything you found in the archives!
I am certain I will have some questions about the information you have included in the report, and so, I will write soon. Thank you again for all your efforts in putting together the report.
Warmest regards,
On the project executed in 2009.
----- Original Message -----
From: Frank
To: GSP Grazyna Rychlik
Sent: Thursday, January 21, 2010 2:34 AM
Subject: Re: Request for recommendation.
Hello Grazyna,
I couldn't be more pleased with your work since we started the first of two phases of research last summer. The two reports submitted thus far have been on-time, the material was thoroughly researched with plenty of documented facts, images and relevant proxy evidence, the findings have been clearly articulated, and the result of all your effort has been to add an enormous amount of new information to our family history going back to the 18th century. For the amateur genealogist like me, who was stuck at a certain point in time, putting you on our team was the best decision ever as you have added another generation to our family tree and added color and depth to our understanding of the conditions that led to the my grandfathers emigration from Poland. Above all that, I am most pleased to say how much I've enjoyed your cheerful and caring approach to your work, and I have great admiration for the way you have stuck to the facts and the truth to explain our roots. On behalf of all in our family who have seen and were amazed by your output, let me say that we are grateful for all that you've done for us.
Best regards,
Brentwood, TN [U.S.]
On the project executed in 2008 and 2009 and ongoing.
----- Original Message -----
From: Stan and Wendy
To: Grazyna Rychlik
Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2010 3:44 PM
Subject: Testimonial
Hi Grazyna,
Just to let the world know that my Piekarski Family was found, thanks to you and your dedication, it is hard to believe you started the search with my fathers name, Adam Piekarski (deceased1972) and very little other info, after myself reaching the ripe age of 59 and believing all the PIEKARSKI family were killed during the war, one notary from the uk, and off you went, churches, archives, military, red cross, village elders, cemeteries, phone books, hours spent going through records, miles travelled, from village to village, letters sent, looking for anything linked to the Piekarski family, then i got the email saying Piekarski Family Found, god did i cry. anyway after three trips to Poland under your supervision and company we would not have had it any other way, you are now part of the Piekarski house hold, and will always hold a place in our hearts, so keep your mobile switched on as i might need a translation in a hurry ! I have read books on Poland but you most certainly cannot beat being there with a girl who puts her heart and sole into our welfare and enjoyment, the miles we travelled in your car, the things we learned, the sites we saw, all we can say is thanks so much, from all the Piekarski family including my new family in Brochow, and Warsaw.
----- Original Message -----
To: fikus2s@poczta.onet.pl
Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2006 6:35 PM
Hi Grazyna,
Your package arrived at my son's house yesterday. You did an excellent job with the research and the presentation of the results. I read through it and am going to do so again more thoroughly - it is so exciting to have names, etc. of relatives and to actually see the area where my grandmother was born. It is so much more than I ever expected to have. I am thinking that what you have found will be enough for me as far as my grandmother's history is concerned. I would be interested in learning more about my mother's parents but I have so little information to go on-no towns of birth.
What would you need to know - I can let you know exactly what information I have.
Thanks again for doing such a great job.
----- Original Message -----
To: Grazyna Rychlik
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2007 1:27 PM
Subject: Baran Report
My dearest Grazyna:
A short note to let you know that the package arrived in perfect condition. I just completed copying the book for Joan and will take it and the CD to the post office on my way to a dental appointment. I can't wait for her to review all of it. I am more than pleased with your presentation and the photos - I am thrilled.
I will email you more either this afternoon after my appointment - or tomorrow.
it does not happen often for Grazyna Rychlik to meet her American Clients for whom she does research so it was really nice that two cousins, Lainie (left of Grazyna standing in the middle) and Joan (right) who came in April 2007 to visit their ancestral locations: Grodzisko Dolne and Modliborzyce found time to meet with Grazyna and talk about their coming journey over a plate of lard, oscypek (smoked sheep cheese), pierogi and red borsch in one of Warsaw's restaurants known for good Polish food
----- Original Message -----
To: gsp@guidingpoland.pl ; fikus2s@poczta.onet.pl
Sent: Friday, August 17, 2007 8:21 PM
Subject: Report Arrived Here Quickly!!!
Hi Grazyna! I hope that this finds you well and very rested from your holiday!!!
I am thrilled to tell you that the big Report arrived to me here very quickly---it was here by Monday, August 13!!! Can you believe it! and I had been saying to John frequently, " I hope the report from Grazyna comes soon! I can't wait to see it!" and then it did come even sooner than we expected!
Since I knew that you were on holiday, I waited to read it over several times before I emailed you! John and I were so impressed with how beautifully you organized the information, Grazyna!!! I told John that when I look through it again and again, sometimes it seems like it can't be real that you have found so much about my family, and these tiny villages, too! We were so thrilled to see all of the photos that you sent! You did such a great job of getting to so many villages in just one day! Our one comment right away as we looked at the photos was that the villages look even smaller and more rural that we had even imagined!!! with the exception of Rypin, which looks huge (HaHa!) in comparison. both of us loved the church photos! I felt like I was already there when I saw those! And that shrine on the road was so interesting looking to us! what a great idea you had to take the signs showing the names of the villages---that made me also feel like I was there already! I love maps so the maps you included were so great for me! I look at them over and over! And having the route also was so helpful and will be really soon when we are there in only 4 weeks now!
warm wishes from Iowa and Wisconsin in the US!